Programs and Resources for After Orientation
Your Orientation Leaders and the Executive Team will always be resources for you to reach out to throughout your time at Queen's, but there are many other resources and programs for you to get involved with.
Scroll down to learn more about some programs and resources specifically for first year students!
ASUS Mentorship Program
Facebook: @asusmentorship
Instagram: @asusmentorship
At AMP, we pair first-year students with upper-year mentors via a personalized matching system. Your mentor will be your go-to to point you in the right direction and help sort through everything Queen’s University. AMP also hosts group events and connects you to your student department councils to build your
community at Queen’s. There’s an endless number of resources available to the students at Queen’s, but sometimes you just don’t know where to look to get what you need! We are a resource to enhance your student experience by bringing ASUS to you.
While AMP was not created in response to COVID-19, it is more necessary than ever that an ASUS-specific mentorship program is in place. AMP will be there to provide that stepping stone for the transition into the Queen’s student life while simultaneously showcasing all the ways that first-year students can take advantage of ASUS and all it has to offer. It is the top priority of our team to ensure AMP is a safe space which welcomes and supports QTBIPOC individuals at Queen’s. Students who self-identify as members of the BIPOC and/or LGBTQ2A+ community have the option to request a mentor who also self-identifies with the BIPOC and/or LGBTQ2A+ community. In addition, there is always the opportunity to be paired with another mentor. First-year students should stay-tuned to AMP's Instagram and Facebook page for details regarding registration. Once the registration period opens, the details can be found on the AMP website, AMP Facebook page, and will be posted here.
For any questions regarding the ASUS mentorship program, students can email the AMP director (amp@asus.queensu.ca) or message @asusmentorship on IG and FB to be added to the mailing list.

The Buddy Picnic
Contact: Izzy Noble Wohlgemut & Ellie Balgopal
at 2ndyearreps@cesa.queensu.ca
Website: https://queenscesa.wixsite.com/buddypicnic
The Buddy Picnic is a Con-Ed event which is traditionally held in mid-September. Incoming students, including those returning from the Bader International Study Centre, are paired up with upper-year Con-Ed students that have similar interests and teaching goals. During this event, partnerships have the opportunity to get to know each other and bond over lunch. When information regarding registration is available, it can be found at https://queenscesa.wixsite.com/buddypicnic and will also be posted here!
Queen's Conference on Education (QCE)
Contact: Neha Rawal at qce_chair@cesa.queensu.ca
Instagram: @quconferenceeducation
Website: https://www.queensconferenceoneducation.com/
Queen’s Conference on Education (QCE) is the largest annual student-run conference at Queen’s and offers future educators an amazing learning experience that will leave them truly inspired. QCE provides hundreds of conference delegates with the opportunity to explore a number of themes in the world of education which range from discussing current issues in education to professional development and refining practical and related teaching skills. QCE provides delegates with the opportunity to meet and connect with peers who share their passion through a weekend full of learning, growing and enjoying! Stay tuned for the theme reveal and ticket sales through the Instagram!

Concurrent Education Students Association (CESA)
Contact: Phoebe Rushton at president@cesa.queensu.ca
Instagram: @queenscesa
Website: https://www.queenscesa.com/
There are several positions within CESA available to 1st year Concurrent Education students, which provides an excellent way to get involved within the faculty and meet a broad range of people from a variety of years. These positions include the Interns, First Year Representatives, First Year Athletic Coordinator, and First Year Council Clerk. The breakdown of these positions is as follows:
There are five Intern positions available, who are hired at the beginning of the Fall term. These positions include, intern for the President, intern for the Vice President Internal, intern for the Vice President External, intern for the Executive Administrator, and intern for the Marketing and Design Director. For each of these positions, the main responsibility consists of helping their associate position (President, Vice Presidents, Executive Administrator, Marketing and Design Director) in fulfilling their roles on council. Every intern position holds a one hour/week office hour, with the interns of the executive having their office hour with their associate Executive Member (President, Vice Presidents, and Executive Administrator).
The First Year Representatives consist of two individuals who are elected by their year during the fall election period. The role and responsibilities of the First Year Representatives include: being a voting member of Council and attending all Council meetings, writing reports for every CESA assembly, updating the first-year students on upcoming events, information discussed at meetings of the Council, as well as other announcements related to CESA, being an active voice for their year to the Association, acting as a resource to all of the members of their year, selecting a slogan for a year jacket bar, hosting year-specific events throughout the year, organizing one fundraising event during the winter semester that would go towards their years B.Edder4U gift.
The First Year Representative to the AMS is elected by their year during the fall election period. this position is very similar to the other Representative to the AMS, except for writing a report to CESA Council. The roles and responsibilities of the First Year Representative to the AMS include: being both a voting member of CESA Assembly and AMS Assembly, and attending all meetings (the AMS Assembly is the highest legislative body in the undergraduate student government), and acting a s a liaison between the two bodies (CESA and first-year Con-Ed Students) at all Assemblies.
The First Year Athletic Coordinator is hired in the beginning of the Fall Term. The position consists of helping the Athletic Coordinators in organizing BEWICS and the Con-Ed intramural sports, as well as connecting First Year Con-Ed students to the athletic opportunities at Queen's.
The First Year Council Clerk works with the two other council clerks at taking/recording the minutes at every CESA Assembly.